JCineCast Opens WeChat MiniShop, Further Expands Digital Touchpoint

JCineCast has recently launched its WeChat MiniShop, the newest addition to its digital touchpoints.  The shop aims to facilitate a new, fast-response and seamless purchase experience to answer our customers’ growing demand in the digital marketplace.

As a multi-brand builder in the industry, we support the film, broadcasting and creative community in curating their stories through a wide range of innovative and quality cine equipment offerings.  Initially made available in the online store are affordable cine equipment and peripheral accessories. These Phase 1 offerings include the following:

  • CINEPADS 7-inch Field Monitor
  • CHIOPT Zoom Lenses
  • TIFFEN Filters
  • SCHNEIDER Filters
  • BRIGHT TANGERINE Camera Accessories

JCineCast is set to add more offerings to the e-commerce platform in future. Through this new channel, visual content creators can now seamlessly browse for their favourite cine equipment, place their orders, and complete their transactions—all within the WeChat MiniShop APP.

Never miss out on JCineCast’s latest product releases and special online promotions by following the JCineCast WeChat MiniShop through our WeChat account.